Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Why Buy Bobby Bottoms

Easy to use

Bobby Bottoms are designed to be easy to put on and take off your baby.  You don't have to worry about sharp pins and you don't have to deal with securing linings and covers separately.  You just snap the diaper on your baby and then snap it back off again.  You could say they are as easy as disposable, but don't forget the cleaning part.

Cleaning BB's is also a cinch.  After removing soiled diapers shake off, wipe off, or spray off any poopoos into the toilet and place diapers in a diaper pail (any container with a lid that closes).  Presoak diapers in warm water and 1 c. of vinegar before washing on regular cycle.   Dry diapers in the dryer, stuff pads back into the diaper and Walah!  BB's are ready to go once more. 

Save money

The other day I checked the price of a jumbo box (96 pack) of Huggies diapers and it was $29.99.  That is $.31 per diaper.  The average disposable diaper per day rate at our house is 7 diapers.  Multiply .31 by 7 and that is $2.17 a day for diapers.  Multiply that by 365 and you get the annual cost of disposable diapers, which is $792.05 per year.  Now multiply the annual cost of $792.05 by how many years your child will be in diapers.  Let's just say you potty train your child at 2.75 years old.  Our grand total cost of disposable diapers for one child is...(drum roll please)...$2,178.14!

For a limited time Bobby Bottoms is offering a Jumbo Pack deal.  You can get a complete set of 25 BB's Original diapers for $400 and because Bobby Bottoms diapers fit babies 8-30 lbs your total cost of diapers for one child is only $400.  So when you buy the complete pack of Bobby Bottoms diapers you are saving $1,778.14.  Just imagine the savings when you use BB's for multiple children.  The $400 you invest in Bobby Bottoms will continue to save you money for years. 

Cost of disposable diapers per child:.................$2,178.14
One time cost of Bobby Bottoms complete set:...$400.00

Save earth
Whether you have made the decision to cloth diaper because of monetary or environmental reasons, you can feel good about bobby bottoms because they help you save money and save earth.  My sister recently made the decision to cloth diaper because she realized that when her babies' are great grandparents their diapers will still be sitting in the landfill.  What better gift can you give your posterity than a clean, abundant, healthy earth.

We don't need to spend our money buying trash anymore.  Buy quality cloth diapers that are easy to use, easy on the wallet, and kind to the earth.

1 comment:

  1. great idea!!!! I hope I could use them with Emma, ´cause I sure did spend more than 2000 last year on huggies!!!!! (can you imagine with 3 little girls at the same time!!!
